Tuesday, August 28, 2012

In The Details, Be Thankful

In fourth grade I remember going into the eye doctor and walking out with my first thick pair of glasses. Despite the greater proof that I was an even bigger nerd, it was one of the best days of my life.


As I stepped out into the lobby I was able to see the veins running through the leaves of the simple office plant above the entry way. To this day, I love to doodle and color. It is one of the inspirations for this blog. From a young age, I absolutely adored little details. That moment in the lobby, I can remember asking my mom if that was the same plant we walked by previously. It was.

When people ask the question, "What would you change about yourself?" I typically say my eyesight. I pray more than anything that one day I will be able to open my eyes in the morning, look at my alarm clock and be able to read the time. Now I know I can pay to get surgery done these days to fix it. Also, I am not completely or even close to being blind. And as I reminisce I am very thankful I didn't grow up in the medieval ages.

Just think? (Now I don't know my history or when glasses were invented... I guess I could google it.) What if people didn't understand you couldn't see anything. What if just because I couldn't read the sign or symbol ahead in the distance, others would think me dumb? It's possible right?!?

Anyways, the point of this post is thankfulness. I am thankful for the little details in my life. I am thankful for the sunrise I got to watch this morning with my sister when we climbed A-mountain. I am thankful I can see the intricate designs on a leaf. I am thankful I have not one, but two pairs of glasses and corrective lenses to choose to wear each day.

Don't take the details for granted.

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