Tuesday, August 28, 2012

In The Details, Be Thankful

In fourth grade I remember going into the eye doctor and walking out with my first thick pair of glasses. Despite the greater proof that I was an even bigger nerd, it was one of the best days of my life.


As I stepped out into the lobby I was able to see the veins running through the leaves of the simple office plant above the entry way. To this day, I love to doodle and color. It is one of the inspirations for this blog. From a young age, I absolutely adored little details. That moment in the lobby, I can remember asking my mom if that was the same plant we walked by previously. It was.

When people ask the question, "What would you change about yourself?" I typically say my eyesight. I pray more than anything that one day I will be able to open my eyes in the morning, look at my alarm clock and be able to read the time. Now I know I can pay to get surgery done these days to fix it. Also, I am not completely or even close to being blind. And as I reminisce I am very thankful I didn't grow up in the medieval ages.

Just think? (Now I don't know my history or when glasses were invented... I guess I could google it.) What if people didn't understand you couldn't see anything. What if just because I couldn't read the sign or symbol ahead in the distance, others would think me dumb? It's possible right?!?

Anyways, the point of this post is thankfulness. I am thankful for the little details in my life. I am thankful for the sunrise I got to watch this morning with my sister when we climbed A-mountain. I am thankful I can see the intricate designs on a leaf. I am thankful I have not one, but two pairs of glasses and corrective lenses to choose to wear each day.

Don't take the details for granted.

Sunday, August 5, 2012


I love it when "coincidences" happen. It gives me chills. When something is heavy on my heart, and then BOOM! someone speaks to it. Today Ricardo (our lead pastor at Redemption Tempe) spoke on one of the Four G's of God's character, hence the title #aintnothingbutagthing.

Today's "G" was for Great. The takeaway being, God is great, so we don't have to be in control. And oh it is so much easier to say than it is to live out. I am a control junkie. In fact, my position at work as a digital strategist promotes that I try and plan five years in advance.  Despite the name of this blog, I tend to have very little faith in God. I do not doubt his power, but somethings can feel too big to grasp.

God is great, so we don't have to be in control.

  • How can God really know what is going on in everyone's lives? How does one fathom absolute sovereignty?
  • What happens if what (I think) I want with my life, the script I'm writing, doesn't align with the one He has and is writing for me?
  • Why would he care about the details of my life?
Today's message spoke to the core of my heart. If you get a chance, search Isaiah 40:9-31 and Luke 12:22-34.  and you will see exactly what I mean. Here are a few tidbits I pulled:

Absolute sovereignty is more than attainable for God. If you were to take the amazing talents of everyone on this Earth it would only be regarded as dust.
Surely the nations are like a drop in a bucket; / They are regarded as dust on the scales; / He weighs the islands as though they were fine dust.

God knows how to manage the details, and he cares. Heck, he took the time to place each star in its place and then name them!
Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens; / Who created all these? / He who brings out the starry host one by one / And calls forth each of them by name. / Because of his great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing.

He is a Father that cares deeply, carrying us close to His heart.
He tends his flock like a shepherd: / He gathers the lambs in his arms / and carries them close to his heart; / he gently leads those that have young.
Mahatma Gandhi once said, "Faith is not something to grasp, it is a state to grow into." I am trying to do just that. It is going to take both small and big steps of faith over time. I see where I have unhealthy dependencies, where I fail to trust my Father in Heaven. I have faith that I will be able to submit this all to Him through his love and care.

Dreams That Move Mountains

What Faith Can Do is a beautiful song by Kutless. Many times (more than I can count), I get wrapped up and overwhelmed by the day to day. If I let it happen, I can build up a giant weight upon myself. Worry and fear imprison me. 

I try to do so much on my own, lacking the faith in the great Supporter above that can literally move mountains, mend broken hearts, and take the Adidas slogan "Impossible is Nothing" to a whole other level. What keeps me (us) from just LETTING GOD?

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Two Birds of a Feather

I went to Target tonight and picked up a 10-pack of Sharpies. It's about time I start to get the creative juices flowing again as I countdown to my trip to Mountain View, California where I will attend a one-day workshop on visual story telling by Nancy Duarte! (Only 16 days aways!)

I am also super pumped for this upcoming Friday. My family and the love of my life will be in town to visit. I cannot wait to spend time with them, especially the boy.  Here is a quick sketch I have titled "Two Birds of a Feather," using my new Sharpies and the song If It's Love by Train.

Music video by Train performing If It's Love. (C) 2010 Sony Music Entertainment

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Strawberry Banana Smoothie Recipe

I decided to jump start my morning with this easy, do-it-yourself strawberry banana smoothie recipe.

The reason I'm sharing it? It actually tasted really good.

Just blend the following ingredients together and you have it:
  • 1 medium sized banana
  • 4 to 6 whole frozen strawberries
  • 1 (6oz) container of Kroger CARBmaster strawberry banana yogurt
  • 1 (4oz) container of Kroger Classic Apple Sauce
  • 1/2 cup of Simply Orange juice, no pulp
  • Some ice... 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Change by Design: Fail Early to Succeed Sooner

I just began reading Change by Design by Tim Brown. (I'm only on page 7.) And I couldn't help but pull out a blank sheet of paper and doodle. It has been way too long since I have done so. As you will see by the sketch, it is pretty rough, but I still think it captures my enthusiasm for the subject area. I am content and satisfied enough to share it with you. Happy Wednesday, Everyone!